Nursing Care
The Resident Care Plan Team at Villa Saint Joseph-du-Luc is made up of representatives from all departments/services and is co-coordinated by Charge Nurses to provide holistic care. The nursing team members develop a Care Plan with objectives that encourage independence, implanting the necessary supports for residents with varying physical and cognitive impairment.
Registered Nurses
Registered Nurses provide professional nursing services 24 hours a day. As the coordinators of the Care Team and the Nursing Units, they will professionally answer or direct your enquiries to the appropriate person or department. Upon admission they will meet with families and residents to discuss topics such as Advance Directives and Consent for Care, and will coordinate the admission process with other departments to ensure a smooth delivery of service.
Licensed Practical Nurses
Licensed Practical Nurses work closely with the Registered Nurses and the residents administering medications and completing treatment. The Licensed Practical Nurse will assist at the time of the admission with the collection of vital medical information for the resident charts and care plan.
Personal Care Workers/Continuing Care Assistants
Personal Care Workers/ Continuing Care Assistants work directly with the residents 24 hours a day. They welcome residents and families to the facility by orienting them to their room, roommate and unit. The care given to the resident goes beyond bathing, dressing and feeding: PCW's/ CCA's assist our residents in communicating their needs to supervisors and other departments.
Care Plans
Villa Saint Joseph-du-Lac is dedicated to providing residents with quality care that not only meets the physical needs of the individual, but also aims at promoting satisfaction and autonomy. Department representatives attend the care plan to discuss the care they provide. Residents and families are invited and encouraged to attend this scheduled meeting.
Advance Care Directives
Advance Care Directives are guidelines to assist the resident or family in making decisions about future care. Advance Care Directives provide direction to caregivers regarding the level of health care treatment or non-treatment that the resident desires. Nurse Supervisors will provide the resident and family with information regarding care directives on admission and set up appointments for further discussion. These are reviewed at the care plan annually or upon the resident's request.
Education is the knowledge of putting one's potentials to maximum use and an integral part of personal growth.We at Villa Saint Joseph are committed to staff education and will utilize this section of the website to announce upcoming educational opportunities and in-services.
Education is provided to staff on a continual basis to enhance best practice methods in the area of Long Term Care and to assist in implementing new procedures in the