Visiting Guidelines
Villa Saint Joseph-du-Lac encourages regular and frequent contact by family and friends. Visiting hours are flexible. Visiting hours are not restricted. Please keep in mind the following points for the safety and welfare of our residents.
We recognize the importance of social contact and support the supervised visits of children and pets.
We welcome residents and visitors to attend facility events.
After 8:00 p.m. the doorbell must be used to access the building.
Residents are encouraged to maintain social contacts outside the facility. Please remember to inform the nursing staff before exiting the building with your loved one.
Many residents have specific dietary requirements. If you are bringing food or beverages. please check with the Charge Nurse before delivering the food to residents.
Volunteer and Recreation Services
- Various religious organizations provide regular services at Villa Saint Joseph-du-Lac and are available for the special needs of our residents.
- Community service groups visit regularly for scheduled programs.
Regular musical entertainment. - Bus trips provide opportunity to access the community for luncheons, shopping at the mall, scenic drives, etc.
- Villa Saint Joseph-du-Lac operates a 15 passenger bus for the benefit of the residents of the home. This vehicle is equipped with a wheelchair lift to assist those residents confined to wheelchairs.
- The bus is used to transport residents to shopping excursions, along with social and recreational events in the community.
Mail & Banking
- During office hours, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m, Monday to Friday, the Villa Saint Joseph-du-Lac reception desk will provide postal and banking services as follows:
• Stamps can be purchased
• Outgoing mail
• Sort and deliver incoming mail
- Post for residents should be addressed in care of:
Villa Saint-Joseph du Lac
255 Highway 1
Dayton, NS
B4A 5A1
- During office hours (8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday) the Villa Saint Joseph-du-Lac business office will provide the following banking service:
- Money can be stored in the safe and withdrawn as needed. *We request that large sums of money or valuables be left in the care of Family rather than in the residents' room.
Newspaper Service
Newspapers and periodicals are available by personal subscription. The office staff will arrange for subscriptions to be transferred from your home or for new subscriptions, payment for which can be taken from residents' trust account or added to their monthly account.
Telephone & Cable TV
- Personal telephones and Cable TV may be connected in resident rooms. Certain restrictions may apply.
- Charges are per month
$28.00 Telephone
$30.00 Cable
$50.00 for both. - An invoice for both utilities will be submitted to the family for payment.
Hairdressing/Barber Services
Hairdressing services are available at Villa Saint Joseph-du-Lac. Payment will be deducted from the resident's trust account. Residents are welcome to continue to use their regular hairdresser; in this case families and/or the resident are responsible for these arrangements.
Villa -Saint Joseph-du-Lac is equipped with a security system to ensure the safety of our residents and staff. After 8:00 p.m., all doors are locked and the doorbell must be used.
Fire Safety
Fire drills are conducted once a month on all shifts, outlining various scenarios to ensure the proficiency of our staff when dealing with emergencies.
Pastoral Care
Villa Saint Joseph-du-Lac recognizes the importance of spiritual care for all residents. Efforts will be made to accommodate the religious needs of our residents no matter what their faith. Some of the services offered through Pastoral Care are:
- Pastoral visits
- Sacrament of the sick
- Regularly scheduled devotional
- Weekly Worship Services
- Memorial services
- Weekly Mass
- Non-Catholic Services
- Distribution of communion to bedridden residents.
- Attending to the spiritual needs of the dying.